A critical aspect of your business, never before has getting your marketing right been so important. Whether operating on a shoestring annual budget or a sizable monthly spend, making the most of your investment demands well-thought choices – especially when you are seeking to boost your brand and achieve sizable business growth.
So, what is better for your business, marketing in-house or employing a specialist marketing agency? The choice often comes down to priorities of the senior management team, but there are advantages on both sides that are worthy of deliberation.
Keep marketing in-house for blooming business growth
In-house is almost certainly where there will be a better understanding of your product or service, as well as comprehensive knowledge about your long-term goals and core values. There is also greater awareness of what competitors are doing. Marketing produced in-house will always offer fully-formed brand comprehension, because your team knows it better than any agency could and they will also have particular expertise in your specific industry. If they have not, then budget might be better spent on training for your in-house team, bringing them fully up to speed with niche areas that they can exploit when creating content. Finally, to keep marketing in-house means that you can retain absolute control of your budget.
Consult a specialist agency to see brilliant business development
Outsourcing your marketing activities to a skilled and experienced marketing agency will give you talented marketing professionals who will have come up against a broad range of challenges and so will have the confidence and know-how to troubleshoot quickly and effectively. Their experience of the wider market place is likely to give them more extensive contacts and wider scope, and a good agency will be able to offer a range of individuals with specialist skill sets – digital marketing, content creation, copy editing, and marketing strategy expertise. This can improve your reach and help to create cohesive messaging across a range of platforms. ‘Farming out’ also buys you that most important of currencies: time.
“The most important advice is to explore both options thoroughly and make an informed choice,” said Brittain’s Managing Director Julia Haviland. “Marketing is simply too crucial to the success of your company, for hasty or poorly considered decisions. When you work with a specialist agency like Brittain you do, of course, have access to the best of both worlds.”
With a number of services to bolster your in-house marketing team, Brittain are communications specialists with a view to positive business growth. As well as offering both qualitative and quantitative market research so you can gain the best possible insight for targeting we can bolster your database with key contacts for marketing campaigns and provide consultation or training on best practice marketing strategies. Get in touch today to discuss how we can support your in-house marketing team.