“Trust is the highest form of human motivation. It brings out the very best in people.” Stephen R. Covey, author, educator and businessman
When you experience business growth for the first time in your SME, your leadership team needs to be trusted to deliver. But only a strong and positive leadership team will realise the full potential of your start-up business and its workforce in order to take it to the next level.
Brittain’s Managing Director Julia Haviland recognises the importance of spotting talent and then nurturing the abilities of natural leaders. She also acknowledges the wisdom of knowing when to ‘pass the baby on.’
“As a business develops it is vital that internal talent is identified and that leadership skills are cultivated. It is also crucial that when a concept needs to move from being your brainchild to a work in progress, it needs to become everyone’s baby. If, however, there are chinks in your leadership team, it can hinder and even damage business growth.”
And while more than three-quarters of SMEs are yet to provide leadership development for their staff, there are obvious benefits.
“Placing your trust in your team gives them a sense of ownership and allows you to be more fluid with your time and to focus on long-term plans,” said Julia.
Agreeing, Charlotte Keenan, head of the office of corporate engagement EMEA, Goldman Sachs, was quoted in The Telegraph recently as saying:
“As the team grows, founders often react by micromanaging the details of their business. In trying to take on everyone else’s job, the founder leaves the most critical position vacant.”
Knowing your limitations and being honest about your abilities when you run your own business is also paramount, according to Julia:
“Trusting and empowering others, while remaining open to personal development, is healthier and more productive for business growth,” she said. Contact Brittain today to find out more about how we can maximise business development for your SME.